Dag van de Fonetiek 2024

8 november 2024
Utrecht (Drift 21 - Sweelinckzaal)
inloop 9.30-10.00    
keynote 10:00-10:45 Turn taking in older adults and in persons with Parkinson’s disease  Esther Janse
pauze 10:45-11:00 koffie en thee  
pres. 1 11:00-11:20 Variatie en verandering in Friese vocaalbreking Cesko Voeten
pres. 2 11:20-11:40 Talker Familiarity as a Window into the Cognitive Architecture of Language Orhun UluĹźahin, Hans Rutger Bosker, Antje S. Meyer & James McQueen
pres. 3 11:40-12:00 Individual variation in phonological repair strategies by Brazilian Portuguese-Japanese bilinguals  Tim LamĂ©ris & YĹŤsuke Igarashi
ALV 12:00-12:15    
lunchpauze 12:15-13:45    
pres. 4 13:45-14:05 Tonal contour clustering in Tongugbe Ewe: a preliminary investigation Man Yan Priscilla Lam & Yiya Chen
pres. 5 14:05-14.25 Intonation processing by Chinese speakers in imitation paradigms Wenwei Xu & Yiya Chen
pres. 6 14:25-14:45

Lexical stress influences the perceived timing of beat gestures

Chengjia Ye, James McQueen & Hans Rutger Bosker
pauze 14:45-15:30 posters + koffie en thee  
posters poster 1 The Processing of Stress in End-to-End Automatic Speech Recognition Models  Martijn Bentum, Louis ten Bosch & Tom Lentz
  poster 2 The timing of an avatar’s gestures differentially influences lexical stress perception in normal and simulated cochlear implant hearing conditions  Matteo Maran, Roos Rossen, Renske Uilenreef & Hans Rutger Bosker
  poster 3 Korean alveolar fricatives: Spectrographic evidence from running speech  Patrik Hrabánek & Silke Hamann
  poster 4 Bridging Boundaries: Combining Phonetic and Orthographic Information to Improve Automated Syllabification Performance  Gus Lathouwers, Wieke Harmsen, Catia Cucchiarini & Helmer Strik
  poster 5 Tonal adaptation of Japanese phonemic loanwords in Mandarin Chinese  Jueyu Hou
  poster 6 On the possibility of using pre-trained ASR-models to assess oral reading exams automatically  Bram Groenhof, Wieke Harmsen & Helmer Strik
pres. 7 15:30-15:50 “That’s Fantastic!”: The Prosodic Characteristics of Sarcasm in Childish Gambino’s Speech, Rap, and Singing  Valerie Querner & Steven Gilbers
pres. 8 15:50-16:10 Turn-taking in online interactions between people who do and do not stutter  Lotte Eijk, Stefany Stankova & Sophie Meekings
pres. 9 16:10-16:30 A crosslinguistic study on prosodic characteristics in non or minimally verbal autism Laura Smorenburg, Jill Thorson, Aoju Chen & Wolfram Hinzen
borrel 16:30-17:30    
ALV: Agenda

1. Opening
2. Mededelingen
3. Financiën
4. Bestuurssamenstelling: Verlenging bestuurstermijnen
5. W.v.t.t.k.
6. Sluiting